Wanted: Scientists, Vanilla Ice, and Turkeys (Nov 19-21)

On Monday, in Quest Humanities, we had a lesson about plagiarism. We learned what is considered plagiarizing and were given some examples. Mr. Greenberg played a few songs that were plagiarized by others and asked if we could identify them. We listened to Vanilla Ice and Bruno Mars. Some of us knew most of the examples, but other times there were not many people that knew what song it was. For the past week in Quest Science, we have been working on “Scientist Wanted” posters. These posters are a unique and fun way to learn more about scientists we may not have heard of before. Today, most students in each section presented their posters in a short oral presentation in front of the class. I could tell that everyone was learning new, exciting information about scientists hat they picked. – Kayla, Dinah, and Jewell


In Quest Humanities on Tuesday, we continued our work for both our Lit. Group gestalts, and our African American History essays. Section Z had a double period of Humanities in the afternoon, which was a productive block of time to complete our work. Gestalts can be very challenging, yet very innovative and creative if they are done correctly. A great part about Quest is that you have the opportunity to take part in unique projects such as gestalts. I think all of us enjoy that aspect of Quest. Section X had a double period of Quest Science in the late afternoon. They worked on presenting their “Scientist Wanted Posters”. The posters were decorated with color and Famous Scientists from all over the world. Some of the scientists were new to us, so it was great for us to learn more. After the presentations were finished, the class watched an episode of The Brain, a show designed to test your brain and teach you new things you might not have known. Students had the choice of watching the show or coloring in pictures of animals and plants. – Kayla, Dinah, and Jewell





Wednesday: Today we didn’t have any periods of Quest because of the school-wide tradition, Thanksgiving Happening. Students from all grades come together for the morning to participate in crafts and build a sense of community in our school. After Thanksgiving Happening, we were dismissed for the four-day weekend. We hope everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  – Kayla, Dinah, and Jewell