Wanted Posters, Gestalts, and Thesis Statements (Nov. 12- Nov. 16)

Monday-  In Mr. Gornto’s class we all sat with our lit groups. We continued to work on our Brown Girl Dreaming annotations. We found out about our new project, which is the gestalt. We all have to get to a certain theme in Brown Girl Dreaming and present it visually in a collage. In Mr. Greenberg’s class we continued on our African American projects and worked on our thesis statements. Our thesis statement has to consist of a sentence that can be argued and has to have 3 claims. This statement is the sentence that will guide our whole essay.

         In Science, we got back our density quiz that we took a couple weeks previous to this day. We went over the quiz to make sure everybody understood the concept before we got our homework. It consisted of many problems in density, mass, and volume. -KK

Tuesday- In Quest Humanities, we got a lot of work done. We have a few big projects happening. We had to annotate more in our Brown Girl Dreaming book. We have to make a gestalt after everyone in our group finishes annotating. We are all in groups of 3-4 people. Our groups have to work together to make a gestalt about our assigned theme of Brown Girl Dreaming. Some of the themes are memory, family, north and south, and civil rights. We have to get pictures for our gestalt that mean something for our theme. Our groups also have to pick a song to match our imagery. Everyone could also work on their African American history essay. We had to all get the perspective on our event or person from two chosen time periods. Our outline for our essay was due on Thursday, so we also worked on this. There was also the option to study for our map quiz on the United States which was the next day. We need to know all 50 states and their capitals. That much information can be hard to learn, but it is very useful to know. -Noah

Wednesday- On Wednesday we were in separate rooms depending on what section we were in. On letter days A, C, and E days we split up. We worked on our projects, revised outlines, and checked our thesis’s to make sure that they match our outlines. Sometimes, we work together with other sections. Other days we work with just our section. Quest on Wednesday was very work based and calm. We had a quiz on all of the states and capitals in the United States. We had to remember where the states were and what their capital was. The test was long, but if you studied then it was easy. This test was our second map quiz. Our previous one was on Central America and everything else in that general area. This quiz was on information that we need to know about the United States because we live there. Then in Quest Science we were working on our wanted scientists project where we had to choose a scientist and make a wanted poster for the scientist we chose.  -Makayla

Thursday- In Quest Science, we found out who our scientist was for our wanted posters. We got started on the posters. We can either do it by hand or do it digitally. Our posters need to include a front and a back full of information. Everyone was told to do different scientists so there is diversity. Ava and Makayla said that they enjoyed looking for pictures and being allowed to be creative with this project. We have a list of things we have to do, such as a picture of the person and certain information, but after that the possibilities are endless. We can use construction paper, crinkle the paper to make it look old, and even draw our person and their invention. We can make it look like an old time wanted poster or a current day wanted poster. There are not many restrictions, which a lot of students seem to enjoy. The assignment is due on Monday, giving us Thursday during class and a three day weekend. We have plenty of time to be creative and unique. In Quest Humanities, we had another day to work on our assignments. We had a period to finish annotating in Brown Girl Dreaming and work on our gestalts with our Lit Circles. -Noah

Friday- No school