…and we’re back: Spotlight Project, “The Giver”, by Lois Lowry and 7th Grade SEE Projects! (4/9-4/12)

No school Monday


Today in Mr. Greenberg‘s class, we got our Asia map and we also got a new project. The Spotlight project. We needed to find one person or a group of people that are solving a problem in the world. I like this project because we get to choose a problem that we feel like is interesting and look into it more. In Mrs. Bruvik’s class, we played periodic table bingo using the elements  in the periodic table. In Mr. Gornto’s class we got book The Giver and started reading it. Those are the things we did during Quest on Tuesday. – Leo

Audrey’s completed map of Asia


On Wednesday in Mr.Gornto’s class we worked on grammar. We checked a worksheet about participles and participle phrases within individual groups and then went over any questions we had with the whole class.Towards the very end of class we had some silent time to read our newest book “The Giver”. In Mr. Greenberg’s class we started working on our spotlight project. For our spotlight project we need to write an essay about about an issue we feel passionate about or what to learn more about, for example recycling or racism. Also, we need to include someone who has influenced or changed the issue. During class we picked our essay topic and wrote a proposal for it. Finally, we started researching for a person who has affected or is working to change the topic. In Quest science we went over the parts of an atom.


        Peer editor- Ava  

The Giver by Lois Lowry


The whole week in Mr. Greenberg’s class, we had a chance to work on our maps of Asia. We had to label the 50 capitals and states, color the map, and then turn in. With our Science Engineering Expo on its way, as a collective grade, we started to research for our SEE projects. SEE is a chance for grades 5-12 to showcase science projects on a subject the science department in that grade decided on. Every year, the 7th graders get a chance to make a large scale version of the periodic table. Each member in the 7th grade gets two elements to research about. We had to find ‘Who founded the element’, ‘What the element can be found in’, and The physical and chemical properties. We are given an about 24 inch box that we can display our work on. During SEE, we will stack the boxes up according to the periodic table. My two elements are Americium and Sodium. Americium, similar to most elements at the bottom of the periodic table, is explosive. Sodium is found in many household items such as salt and baking soda. In Mr. Gorntos’ class, we had a deep discussion about the book we were going the read. The Giver by Lois Lowry, is a book about the perfect society that was never questioned or looked at twice, until Jonas rebels. The story continues on the follow the main character Jonas, on his journey of questions. – Leo


In Mrs. Bruviks’ class on friday, we had time to start research on our SEE projects. Most students found the information needed, and did external research over the weekend. In Mr. Gornto’s class, we had a very elaborate discussion about on a worksheet related to the book we are reading. The book is heavily based on an institutional society, the worksheet displayed rules/ commonalities throughout people’s everyday life in the story. Some were reasonable while others were outrageous. The class had to write if we agreed with the statements or not, and over the weekend, we had to write why in our log books. In Mr. Greenberg’s class, we continued our spotlight project, researching more information about our person. Some work on the draft essay was prepared, and thinking about writing the essay, we started to put our information in order.


Proofread by Grace

Erica working on research for her SEE project