Periodic Tables, Exploding Airships, Preparing For Socratic Seminars, and Reading Journals (3/11-3/15)

Monday 3/11-

       Today, we did many things in both Quest Humanities and Science. In Science, we studied the periodic table and the Hindenburg, an airship in the 1930’s that exploded in Lakehurst, New Jersey. We watched live videos of the explosion and explored how and why the ship blew up. It was because they manufacturers of the ship used hydrogen, a highly flammable gas, it caused the explosion because of a reaction to oxygen. We also learned about the periodic table, we explored the different groups in the table such as metals,non metals, alkaloids, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, and more. In Humanities, we had a Socratic Seminar about a question our entire class agreed on. Our question was: “How is race portrayed in film and how does it affect society?” Before, we analyzed several sources that helped us find evidence to support our claims to answer the question. Our classmates proposed questions and supported their opinions with evidence from the text. Overall, today was a very eventful Quest day.

A picture of the Hindenburg.

A picture of the periodic table


Proofread by Tori

Tuesday, 3/12- In both Quest Humanities and Science, we did engaging activities that allowed us to reinforce knowledge on what we were learning about. In Greenberg Humanities, we conducted a Socratic Seminar debrief in which we discussed topics such as how well we reached our class goal and how well we stayed true to our norms. Each student responded to these questions in their notebooks and then had the chance to share their thoughts through way of seminar. This was an effective activity because it allowed us to analyze what we are already doing well, while also thinking about what we can do better for future seminars. After our debrief, we then held a mini seminar allowing us to further respond to our question: How can music affect your views of different races and ethnicities? Can music portray cultures in a negative way? Even though many of us did not speak and there were not as many ideas to be shared, this was still helpful because we were able to dive deeper into our topic. In Gornto Humanities, we continued work in our literature circles. During this period, we were able to finish any reading, write and respond to discussion questions, come up with log entries, and get anything done we felt we needed to accomplish in our reading journals. Some of us were even beginning to brainstorm possible essay questions. In Quest Science, we continued our work on the Hindenburg and the Periodic Table. We watched videos on the Hindenburg exploding and talked about why it happened and how people learned from the disaster. Then we watched a video that briefly summarized who first came up with the Periodic Table. We learned that Russian Scientist Dmitri Mendeleev developed the first Periodic Table of Elements, though our version today differs from his original. We also saw how Daniel Radcliffe can rap all the elements, which was pretty interesting to see. At the end of the science period, we started an activity that involved coloring the Periodic Table to distinguish between the different types of elements. However, we were not able to finish the activity. Every Quest class we had today allowed us to learn more and go deeper into topics to strengthen our understanding.

By: Katie

Proofread by: Haila

Wednesday, 3/13-During Quest Science we continued studying and learning about the periodic table in a fun and creative way.  We filled out the table and colored it in according to its groups. We would divide the groups by types of metals, nobel glasses, and other groups.  When color these tables I think it is a good and fun way to study it instead of staring at a paper with all information. The colors will also help us remember the groups and elements. In Quest Humanities Gornto we added to our reading journal continued reading and analyzing our books.  Our books and the leading is project is a good experience because we get to take leadership. I feel it is good that we are in charge of our learning and we make our questions and logs. We learn how to manage ourselves and finish our work. This week we were working towards finishing our book and discussing the books for our reading journals.  In Quest with Greenberg all sections were picking topics for Socratic seminar based on the classes interests. Our questions were based on us so it was easier to be more engaged and have opinions. Our first topic was technology and how it affects. The next one was how technology changed warfare. Socratic seminar really helped us learn and grow with using evidence.

By: Asha

Proofread by: Ava

Thursday, 3/14- During both periods of Quest Humanities today, we were able to continue working on assignments due in the future while also preparing for Socratic Seminars coming up. In Greenberg Humanities, we received our articles that we will be reading to prepare for our seminar on Monday. The question we will be answering is “Why has the U.S. approached international issues with violence? (Vietnam War).” The articles we are reading will help us better understand what started the Vietnam War and how we could have approached the situation in a less violent way. We look forward to the seminar on Monday when we can share our thoughts and opinions on the topic. In Gornto Humanities, we have been working on the same material we have been formulating for the past two weeks or so. Every literature group has been working on their individual reading journals (due on the 18th) and some groups are beginning to think about writing their essays. There are many components that go into a strong reading journal, so it is important that we utilize those Quest periods well so we have no trouble with writing our essays and completing our journals thoroughly. During science, we finished coloring our periodic tables. Each color  represented something different in the table. For example, if we shaded in many boxes with a green marker, that green area could be labeled as non metals, metalloids, and metals. -Katie

Friday 3/15/19:

On Friday, in Quest Science, we finished coloring our periodic tables. Afterwards, we did a worksheet that help us figure out how to address elements on the periodic table by their atomic weight, their symbol,and atomic number. Meanwhile, in Quest Humanities, we continued work on our reading groups, finishing our reading journals to eventually write an essay based on theme, conflict, character, and other topics. We also prepared for our second Socratic Seminar by annotating and writing margin notes in articles that were used to prepare for our Seminar topic. -Alicia