Climate Change Unit Comes to an End: Design Challenge and Symposium (2/11/2019 – 2/15/2019)

Remi, Makayla B, and Coyle

In Quest this week, we wrapped up our six week long integrated climate change unit with a group/individual project. We got to choose to be in a group or work individually. In this project, we got to show off our ideas and understanding of our climate change research.

The project is a week long project about ways to mitigate or adapt to the effects of climate change. Everyone chose a topic related to climate change. Then, if you decided to be in a group you were put in groups of about four or five people who shared the same choices for the project. The main point of the project was to come up with an idea of how to deal with the effects of the topic that you chose. Although the projects consisted of information on their topic and other aspects of research, students were able to use their creativity to make them as interesting as possible. Some of the topics included sea level rise, coral reef destruction, wildfires, health issues, etc. We worked on this project everyday during the week in all of our Quest periods. We met in the same classroom space everyday, based on the category of presentation you chose. Depending on what room each student was in, the requirements for the project varied slightly. For example, students in the Quest Science room were required to make a model for whatever their action plan was going to look like. These models varied from ideas/inventions that they had to 3D sculptures that represents something that each group had researched or something on what there topic was focused on.

At the end of the creation of this project on Monday, 2/11 we had a symposium in the blue gym that was open to the school community to present our findings and the finished products of the projects that we had been working on. We set up stations and displayed our projects. People could walk around independently and examine the projects and each group had to have a summary prepared to present to guests who came to their station. Sometimes our audience was classes who came as groups and sometimes it was one or two faculty members at a time. Students that came to this event ranged from lower schoolers to Seniors in the high school. Each group presented their work and were prepared to be asked a number of questions by fellow students or faculty members. We had a good turnout for our symposium which was about an hour and a half long, it was a success.

Here are some things that worked for the students during this week: “For our last week, we decided that Instagram was a great way to get the message about climate change out. We post weekly and many people seem to care a lot about it.” Next we things that didn’t work for students, “For our first week, when we made posters it was pretty hard to see the words and pictures that we had in it.” Lastly there was some challenging things that came with this project, “We were paired into different groups so it was challenging to get used to working with people.”

These are some images of some students at work:

Proofreaders: Sonia and Jewell