A Short Week Back From Winter Break 12/19/18 – 1/2/19

By Sonia, Aaron, and Laurence

Getting Back On Track         

Quest Humanities


Watching Bill Nye

Preparing our inquiry questions

Today all of the seventh grade met in the auditorium to find out about our next unit. The project that was given out was about global warming and climate change. Following the description of the project we watched a video from Netflix (Bill Nye Saves the World) and the many effects it has on people and things around us. The global warming project/unit will take up to 6 weeks but the first part is due next week. So many people had questions about global warming and the effects. Later the 7th grade went into groups of 4 or 5 and wrote questions about global warming for the whole group to discuss. Later we all hand picked the most valuable question to them so you and a couple of other students will do more research on that question. What do you think about global warming? Is this a big issue to you?



In Quest: Humanities,  7th graders in all sections (in Mr. Greenberg’s Class) watched videos explaining climate change, and how it is affecting our world today.  Then we were asked to write down notes about some effects of climate change like, ice sheets melting, sea level rising, etc.   

In Mr. Gornto’s  class we read a short story by Liam O’Flaherty called “ The Wave”. We were asked to  read, take notes, and annotate. This short story was about how water is very powerful and how it erodes cliffs, beaches, and other rock formations. In some ways this is connected to our global warming unit we are doing in Quest. Erosion is the process when the surface of the Earth gets worn down by water. This can be caused by the rising of the oceans or severe rainfall. The idea is to examine how various protagonists and antagonists could be forces of nature rather than people.


Quest Science:

In Quest: Science, 7th graders from Section X worked on finishing their Marble Run. The students had to create a free-standing marble run using a paper bag, tape, popsicle sticks, flashcards, and a toilet paper roll (just the cardboard). They had to ask themselves, “What is the problem?” Then they had to imagine and plan out a solution. Finally, they had to create and improve their solution. This is the engineering design process. In past and future projects, students must look toward this process while coming up with a solution.


Section Y today redid their line graphs in preparation for our climate change unit. We are going to be keeping track of the local temperature at the MFS weather station (which is located between the regular building and Hartman Hall). The data will be stored in line graph form. Last but not least we are coloring kindness posters to put throughout the school

-Laurence Toncich-Mandel

Here are Some Quotes from Winter Break and From our Short School Week

12/19/18 – 1/2/19

From December 19, 2018, to January 2, 2019, students were on winter break. Here is what some students said about what they did during winter break:

“I went to my grandparents’ house and spent time with my family.”

“I went to visit my family in Boston.”

“I went to my grandparents’ house in Naples, Florida.”

“I slept and ate.”

Proofread by Isabella B., Leo, and Nick M.