The First Week of School: 9/5/18 to 9/7/18

This week we had the first day of seventh grade! We also had the first day of our new Quest program. The Quest program features combined Science, English, and History to give students easier pathways to learn. The first day started with a short orientation like meeting for worship to get new and old students familiar with their grade. The Meeting For Worship was followed by a period of learning about Quest and asking questions in regards to Quest . We learned that Quest is meant to help students find connections between different subjects. Quest features a Current Events project that helps seventh graders tune in to the local news and what’s happening in the world. Quest has no letter grades therefore no MyMFS grade, which helps students get stress relief. The way we get feedback for Quest is through constructive criticism from our teachers and peers. The first day was a little hectic, but overall we are going to have a great year!  – Grace


9-12-2018/ Date of event: 9-6-2018

Last week we went to camp Dark Waters. We did many small group activities followed by a few full group activities that included the

Fun and Games at Dark Waters

whole seventh grade. We were grouped into our advisors for most of the activities so we could become closer with each other and learn more about the people in our advisory. We challenged each other by getting by obstacles that prevented us from completing the task we were given. We only got by this with trust and communication between each other that helped us learn about the true meaning of teamwork. We all learned that if you stop and listen to what everyone in the group has to say, you can accomplish the activity or goal you were struggling to complete. Some of the most difficult challenges would be the ones that required lifting everyone to get past a certain object without touching the ground. Everyone has to listen and trust everyone around them in order to complete the challenge we were assigned. I believe the Camp Dark Waters trip helped us to get to know some new faces in our advisor and our whole grade and helped everyone understand the true meaning of teamwork. The camp Dark Waters trip was very fun and a great way for  everyone to bond with new people. – Leah


On the last day of the first week of school was a normal school day. We had normal classes including Quest: Humanities and Quest: Science. In Quest: Humanities we have two teachers, Mr. Greenberg and Mr. Gornto, and in Quest: Science we have Mrs. Bruvik. In Quest: Science we will learn how to experiment, observe, predict, and the  engineering design process and in Quest: Humanities we will learn about literary analysis, geography literacy, and note taking, among many other things. Since this is the first year of Quest:, we and our teachers get to build the program. We will get some feedback about our work from our teachers and classmates and change it so our work can be the best it can. I hope other grades will do the Quest program because it will be an amazing experience and it will help them build a strong foundation as students.  – Daniel